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Images and Fossil Preparation by The Wobbly Fossiler (UK)


Do you have fossils that require cleaning? Look no further! Here's our business directory of professional fossil preparation services worldwide. Many of these professional fossil preppers are using state-of-the-art ZOIC PalaeoTech fossil preparation tools and equipment. People who offer a fossil cleaning service are known as fossil preparators, preparers or preppers. 

Different fossil preparators specialise in different fossils and techniques. We recommend first looking through them by location or rock/fossil type, which will guide you to what they are most experienced in. Some of the more experienced preparators will be able to tackle fossils from any locality - so if you like what you see, get in touch with them and ask for a quote. However, by choosing somebody who specialises in a certain type of fossil, geology or location, you know that their equipment will have been built up around these fossils and they will have significant experience in dealing with the challenges that those particular fossils present. The job will likely be done better and more quickly by somebody with expertise in a certain field.

This directory is FREE to use and FREE to advertise. If you are a professional fossil preparator would like to register an application for a FREE business listing on this page please fill out the application form here. 

Frequently Asked Questions


What do I need to know about getting my fossils professionally cleaned?

  • Not all fossils can be cleaned. A preparator who knows the local rocks/fossils will be able to tell if you if a job is possible, and how promising the results may be.

  • Fossil preparators have their own unique styles. Please check their photographs and links to be sure that you like the way that they approach their prep. 

  • Not all preparators specialise in the same fossils or localities. You will likely get a better job done at a better rate if you go to somebody who is fully geared up for a certain type of fossil from a certain place, and has the experience required.

  • Fossil preparators may have a waitlist for their services, please respect this. 

  • Please do not email these preparators asking for fossil/rock identification – there are many sites including forums and Facebook groups specifically geared up to help people with identification. Please only contact them if you are interested in getting a fossil preparation quote. It's OK if you don't have an ID on your fossil, but please don't waste their time if you have no intention of using their services.

  • The presence of an advert on www.zoicpalaeotech.com is not an endorsement from ZOIC PalaeoTech for a particular preparator – simply a place for preparators to advertise should they wish to. If you choose to get work done by one of the listed preparators, ZOIC PalaeoTech are not liable or culpable if you are not happy with the results. ZOIC PalaeoTech have not verified their equipment and quality of preparation for the below listings, so please do your research when selecting a preparator.

What does professional fossil preparation cost?

This entirely depends on the fossil you present to them - some fossils are quick, easy jobs, and others are much more involved and time consuming. 

Fossil preparators typically charge by the hour and this amount varies based on location and skill level. Their experience is what you are paying for - anyone can take a hammer and a chisel to a rock, but fossil preparators have years of experience under their belt. They have a curated and expansive selection of tooling which they use with expertise. Specialist equipment and consumables don't come cheaply, and you have to know how to use them. If you like what you see from their work, we suggest approaching them for a no-obligation quote.

Please bear in mind that a quote is just an estimate; not a final guaranteed price. No fossil or preservation is the same, and some challenges present themselves quite late on into prep. If your preparator has reason to believe that the job will take longer or be more complex than originally anticipated (often this can only be established once prep has begun), they will contact you and let you know of any additional charges to let you to choose whether to proceed.

How to contact a professional fossil preparator to get a quote

There are a few things that a fossil preparator will need from you in order to provide you with a quote for fossil cleaning. It is usually easier for them if you email, but they may wish to follow up with a phone call.

  • Good quality photographs of the fossil(s) taken in natural light (back, front and sides)

  • Please include a scale bar or ruler in all of your pictures

  • Provide as much information as you can, e.g. Locality, rock type, horizon (if known), preservational quality, potential problems or difficulties in prep

  • A brief description of what you would like to see done. 

  • Approximate weight of fossil(s) - useful for postage/courier shipping if not able to drop off/collect in person.