Have you seen our new Microfossils range?


Unprepared fossils for sale! We sell a selection of unprepared or partly prepared fossils for you to clean up at home. Some of these fossils have a bit of exploratory prepwork done to confirm the presence and/or species of the fossil within. Of course every fossil is different, and whilst we will try to describe what your experience of preparation might be like in the description, even within certain types of rock there are fossils that will clean easily and others that might be more difficult.

The price is determined as best we can based on the material as it can be seen. As with all unprepared material, there is no certainty that the fossil contained will be complete or of a certain type of preservation. However, on the other end of this scale, if you order a 1 inch Asteroceras and find a 6 inch one next to it in the same nodule that we didn’t know about, we won’t be charging you extra (we think this has happened at least 3x so far!). We try to establish the potential of each rock as best we can before sale.

All fossils that we stock have been responsibly collected and legally obtained, as per the rules and regulations of their respective sites.

Fossils classified as 'easy' usually don't require very much equipment or tooling. Typically soft rocks like shale, which are well suited to using a scalpel, pin vice or dental picks. Time and patience will still be required to do the job well. Fossils for polishing at home are also classed as 'easy', as good results are easily achieved if you put the time in!

Relatively easy to clean. Fossils that will require at the very least an engraver fitted with fossil preparation styli, but would be best cleaned with an air scribe. Rocks are often on the harder side, but fossils selected for this category are ones that should clean up well without equipment like abrasives. 

More difficult to clean requiring a greater deal of skill and experience. It is recommended to use air scribes and air abrasives wherever possible. Some fossils won't necessarily require air abrasives in this category, but are significantly more complex and challenging than those in the moderate category. Fossils are more likely to be 'sticky'. 

These pieces are the most challenging and will require the use of air scribes and air abrasives to achieve the best results, or (where applicable) knowledge of chemical preparation. These pieces are best suited to more experienced preparators who are keen to take on a challenge.